The lost are reached. The reached are equipped. The equipped are sent.
View the "Celebration 2015" and celebrate what God did in and through Shandon Baptist Church last year!
Thank you for your partnership! Learn more about ways to support the mission and ministries of Shandon Baptist Church below or contact me. I'd love to tell you more about the difference your gifts make.
Buster Whitlock, Minister of Finance & Administration
(803) 782-1300 |
Give online now or set up automatic, recurring giving using a credit card, debit card, or checking account. Login below to adjust your giving amount and frequency or check your contribution history (of online giving only). Use the same account across all our giving platforms (online, text and mobile).
QUICK GIVE (no login required)
First-time text givers will be prompted to visit a secure URL to setup a new account with credit/debit card information and submit the first gift. For future gifts, simply text the amount of your gift to the number above.
Give quickly and track your online giving history. Use the same account across all our giving platforms (online, text and mobile).
Having your contribution automatically debited from your banking account is convenient for you and avoids credit card fees for the church. Complete a direct debit form, attach a voided check, and mail to Shandon at the address below.
Download the Direct Debit form
Most banks will automatically cut and mail a check for you. Visit your online banking to learn more.
Many love the the physical act of placing their gift in the offering plate. Giving envelopes are available in the pew pockets. You can also mail in your gift to:
Shandon Baptist Church
Attn: Barbara Huff
5250 Forest Drive
Columbia, SC 29206
Pledging is a commitment between you and God to give a portion of your income to the local church. We invite you to take that step of faith and see how God moves in your life as you trust Him with your finances. Your pledge can be changed at any time