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Posted by David Taylor on

How People Like You Can Make Shandon "Home" for College Students


It’s just around the corner. 

Hundreds of college students will bring smiles and life to Shandon on our biggest college Sunday of the year, August 21.  I can’t wait for that morning!  You know what that invigorating, crowded day is like:  wide-eyed freshmen will arrive on shuttles; upperclassman will hug their friends, and student-athletes will fill entire rows with teammates in the modern worship service.  These kids show up for the right reasons.  It’s the first Sunday of the school year, and they have chosen church.  They have chosen to seek Jesus at Shandon.

Every college student who visits Shandon is looking for godly interaction with a loving church.  They are away from home, needing warmth from a church family of all ages.  That means you can make an incredible difference in the life of a college student, whether you are a young professional, a middle-aged adult, or a senior adult!  They need to know you, and I’d like to make it easy for you to know them. 

Here are 3 easy opportunities to be hospitable to these fine young people God sends our way as August 21 approaches:

  1. Drive a Shuttle:  Imagine the joy for a College Freshman.  She hasn’t seen anyone but college students all week.  She’s waiting by her dorm to board the Shandon shuttle and. to her joy, she is greeted by the quiet smile of someone  she doesn’t know but reminds her of her grandpa.  Her heart swells with belonging.
  2. Flip a Burger: Imagine the joy for a College Freshman.  It is his first lonely day after his parents drop him off at the dorm.  He’s headed to Shandon Baptist Church’s block party at the rec field because of the free burgers and a chance to play sports, maybe make a friend.  His courage is strengthened when the guy flipping burgers, a young professional who remembers being in those shoes, asks the freshman, “Hey man.  What’s your name?  Where ya from?”  The ensuing conversation gives him confidence.
  3. Introduce Yourself: Imagine the joy for those college kids.  They rode together and arrived so late to church that they had to park at the movie theater.  They feel sweaty and rushed, but that’s okay because their eyes capture scores of smiles within the first few seconds of walking through our doors.  One of those “smiles” approaches and says, “Hi, I’m Virginia. I’m so glad you are here today.”  They can tell she means it and feel welcome.

Could you see yourself or your family blessing college students in one of these three ways?  I would love to connect you to our college ministry in a one-time, short-term, or long-term role.  We have 60 days to be ready for the big day!  Will you help make Shandon Baptist Church an incredible place for college students to worship and grow in the Lord?

Please email me at or text me at (803) 414-6976.  I can't wait to talk to you!

David Taylor

College Ministeroffice: (803) 782-1300 ext. 141


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